Her Rotary roots run very, very deep

  • With Lorena Gloden, center, last July at the chapter meeting where she was named president of Rotary Club of Perrysburg, are, from left, her son Sebastian, her husband Dan, and her host parents Duane and Debbie Chappuies.

    With Lorena Gloden, center, last July at the chapter meeting where she was named president of Rotary Club of Perrysburg, are, from left, her son Sebastian, her husband Dan, and her host parents Duane and Debbie Chappuies.

    With Lorena Gloden, center, last July at the chapter meeting where she was named president of Rotary Club of Perrysburg, are, from left, her son Sebastian, her husband Dan, and her host parents Duane and Debbie Chappuies.
For a cheerleader, Rotary International need look no further than the Rotary Club of Perrysburg, where they will find club president Lorena Gloden, who is Rotary through and through. “I grew up in Cucuta, Columbia, and my parents were Rotarians,” she said. Her family hosted exchange students, and, at 15, she joined the Interact Club, a branch of Rotary for high school students. When she was in…

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