Perrysburg School’s WWII P-51 Mustang fighter-bomber plane

  • Tom Rectenwald Sr. in the P-51 cockpit.
    Tom Rectenwald Sr. in the P-51 cockpit.
  • Jeff Eckel with P-51 Mustang wheels.
    Jeff Eckel with P-51 Mustang wheels.
  • Doug Pratt with a knife salvaged from the plane cockpit.
    Doug Pratt with a knife salvaged from the plane cockpit.
Editor’s Note: The following article is written by Gary Franks, a local historian and author of seven local history books. Hidden away in Perrysburg High School’s history is a very interesting story about the acquisition of a surplus World War II P-51 Mustang fighter aircraft. This fact was brought to light recently by Rick Ruffner in a conversation with Jeff Eckel, who was given parts that were…

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